Fertility Transition in India, 1985-2020: Selection of the Aggregation Function Matters

Aalok Chaurasia, Shyam Institute

This paper analyses fertility transition in India during 1985-2020 based on the data from the official sample registration system. The analysis reveals that fertility transition in the country is contingent upon the way age-specific fertility rates are aggregated into a single composite indicator of fertility. When the simple arithmetic mean of age-specific fertility rates is used as a composite indicator of fertility, fertility in India has decreased almost linearly. However, when the geometric mean of age-specific fertility rates is used as the composite indicator of fertility, fertility transition in India appears to have stalled the period 2011-2013. The analysis also reveals that the change in marital fertility accounted for only about 35 per cent of the change in the simple arithmetic mean of age-specific fertility rates but more than half of the change in the geometric mean of age-specific fertility rates. The paper suggests that fertility transition should not be analysed in terms of the trend in the simple arithmetic mean of age-specific fertility rates or, equivalently, total fertility rate but should be analysed in terms of the trend in the geometric mean of age-specific fertility rates.

Keywords: Fertility, Decomposition analysis, Data and Methods

See extended abstract.