
1. Fertility

101. Theme session: Fertility Sobotka
102. [1]. Couple fertility preferences and intentions Odusina
103. [2]. COVID-19, fertility and the family Nitsche/Wilde
104. [3]. Fertility recuperation, its limiting and its supporting factors Beaujouan/Compans
105. [4]. Gender-biased sex selection Robinson
106. [5]. Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Lazzari
107. [6]. Unrealized fertility Yeatman
108. [7]. Voluntary and involuntary childlessness Ramarao
199. Poster Only - Fertility Sobotka

2. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

201. Theme session: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Singh
202. [8]. Interplay between individual and contextual influences on reproduction Väisänen/Batyra
203. [9]. Maternal and pregnancy-related outcomes and care Santhya
204. [10]. Menopause: social and demographic consequences Doblhammer
205. [11]. Menstrual health management: current challenges Muthusamy
206. [12]. Reconsidering unmet need: a more rights-based approach Prata
207. [13]. Sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian crisis situations Marteleto
208. [14]. Unintended pregnancy and abortion Hosseini-Chavoshi
299. Poster Only - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Singh

3. Family Planning and Contraception

301. Theme session: Family planning and contraception Juarez
302. [15]. Advances in data and modeling in family planning O'Brien
303. [16]. Socio-cultural factors underlying contraceptive non-use Alex-Ojei
399. Poster Only - Family planning and contraception Juarez

4. Families, Unions and Households

401. Theme Session: Families, unions and households Dommaraju
402. [17]. Digital technologies and family dynamics Pesando
403. [18]. Family networks beyond the household: an international perspective Alburez-Gutierrez
404. [19]. Family violence in conflict and displacement Torrisi
405. [20]. Impacts of non-kin and non-kin networks on demographic outcomes Booth
406. [21]. Relationship as an initial step of union formation and childbearing Mogi
499. Poster Only - Families, unions and households Dommaraju

5. Children, Adolescents, and Youth

501. Theme session: Children, adolescents, and youth Gage
502. [22]. Changing families: effects on child health & well-being Treleaven
503. [23]. Child, early and forced marriage Dodoo
599. Poster Only - Children, adolescents, and youth Gage

6. Older Adults and Intergenerational Relations

601. Theme session: Older adults and intergenerational relations Arpino
699. Poster Only - Older adults and intergenerational relations Arpino

7. Health and Morbidity

701. Theme session: Health and morbidity Payne
702. [24]. Child mortality and health in LMICs Kunnuji
703. [25]. Disability in lower resource settings Channon
704. [26]. Early life exposure and cohort change in health and mortality Quaranta
705. [27]. Preventing and mitigating dementia Langa
706. [28]. The impact of COVID-19 on women's health Cardenas
799. Poster Only - Health and morbidity Payne

8. Mortality and Longevity

801. Theme session: Mortality and Longevity Jasseh
802. [29]. Biosocial approaches to older adult mortality and longevity Beltran-Sanchez
803. [30]. Intrafamily and intergenerational transmission of health van Dijk
804. [31]. Measuring mortality with civil registration data in low and middle-income countries Saikia
805. [32]. Measuring possible human longevity limits Camarda
806. [33]. Multi-morbidity at death Désesquelles/Adair
807. [34]. Subnational and spatial variation in health and mortality Grigoriev
899. Poster Only - Mortality and Longevity Jasseh

9. Population Ageing

901. Theme session: Population ageing James
902. [35]. Population ageing, economic decisions of the family and the well-being of older people Giles
999. Poster Only - Population ageing James

10. Gender Dynamics

1001. Theme session: Gender dynamics Malhotra
1002. [36]. Gender disparities and factors underlying low female labour force participation Desai
1003. [37]. Gender inequality, nutrition and food security Unisa
1004. [38]. Gender, climate change and environmental sustainability Adamo
1005. [39]. Gender-based violence within and outside the home Puri
1006. [40]. Intersections of class, gender, and other inequalities and implications for well-being Shifa
1099. Poster Only - Gender dynamics Malhotra

11. Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination

1101. Theme session: Inequality, disadvantage and discrimination Ezeh
1199. Poster Only - Inequality, disadvantage and discrimination Ezeh

12. International Migration

1201. Theme session: International migration Martínez
1202. [41]. Applying new data and methods to international migration in low and middle-income countries Prieto Rosas/Masferrer
1203. [45]. International migration, mobilities and displacement: The role of population science in informing policy Kraly
1299. Poster Only - International migration Martínez

13. Migrant Populations and Refugees

1301. Theme session: Migrant populations and refugees Zapata
1302. [48]. Forced migration and statelessness in host countries Khawaja
1303. [49]. Understanding the lives of descendants of refugees Wilson
1399. Poster Only - Migrant populations and refugees Zapata

14. Internal Migration and Urbanization

1401. Theme session: Internal migration and urbanization Bernard
1402. [42]. Fertility/family trajectories of internal migrants: the role of territorial context Dubuc/Doignon
1403. [43]. Internal migration as a life-course trajectory Vidal
1404. [44]. Internal migration in developing countries Tiwari
1405. [47]. Sustainable urbanization through integrated and multisectoral approaches Adedini
1499. Poster Only - Internal migration and urbanization Bernard

15. Spatial Demography

1501. Theme session: Spatial Demography Matthews
1502. [50]. Cultural distance, population and society Cameron
1503. [51]. Spatial demography: new data and emerging insights Kluesener/Sander
1599. Poster Only - Spatial Demography Matthews

16. Human Capital, Education, and Work

1601. Theme session: Human capital, education, and work K.
1699. Poster Only - Human capital, education, and work K.

17. Economic Demography

1701. Theme session: Economic demography Lam
1799. Poster Only - Economic demography Lam

18. Population and Development

1801. Theme session: Population and development Finlay
1802. [52]. Changing middle class and population trends in LMICs Allendorf
1803. [53]. Demographic Dividend sensitive budgeting in Africa: tools and policies Dramani
1804. [54]. Population registers, human rights and ethics Gruskin
1805. [55]. The concept of the Demographic Dividend: new realities and policies Loichinger/Backhaus
1899. Poster Only - Population and development Finlay

19. Population, Environment, and Climate Change

1901. Theme session: Population, environment, and climate change Bilsborrow
1902. [56]. Are there too many people on earth? The socio-environmental consequences of depopulation Matanle
1903. [57]. Demography of disasters in the age of global environmental change Barbieri
1904. [58]. New research frontiers in climate migration Reed
1905. [46]. Mobility and immobility in the framework of climate change challenges Ambrosetti/Cela
1999. Poster Only - Population, environment, and climate change Bilsborrow

20. Population, Shocks and Pandemics

2001. Theme session: Population, shocks and pandemics Castro
2002. [59]. Demographic heterogeneity and multi-level responses to climate variability, conflict and unprecedented shocks Grace
2099. Poster Only - Population, shocks and pandemics Castro

21. Historical Demography

2101. Theme session: Historical demography Ramiro Fariñas
2102. [60]. Epidemics and contagious diseases: the legacy of the past Riswick
2103. [61]. New data for old questions: crowd-sourced genealogy and demographic research Barban/Minardi
2199. Poster Only - Historical demography Ramiro Fariñas

22. Data and Methods

2201. Theme session: Data and methods Canudas-Romo
2202. [62]. Analyzing fictional populations in demographic research. The use of non-traditional data Brugeilles/Rozée Gomez/Arbogast
2203. [63]. Data challenges in large-scale global comparisons of population dynamics García-Guerrero/Lima
2204. [64]. Data innovations, prospects, and challenges in LMICs Akinyemi
2205. [66]. Innovations and challenges in large-scale demographic population-based surveys Gauthier/Kishor
2206. [65]. Human evolutionary demography Sear
2207. [67]. Innovative approaches for measuring fertility Schoumaker
2208. [68]. Innovative data and methods in assessing climate-conflict-population relationships Zagheni
2209. [69]. Integrating population, displacement and geospatial data in humanitarian emergencies: challenges, opportunities and lessons Silva
2210. [70]. Mobile and web surveys to conduct demographic research in LMICs Reniers/Helleringer
2211. [71]. Politics of data: the use of demographic data in political narratives Bhagat
2212. [72]. Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage Gerland
2299. Poster Session - Data and methods Canudas-Romo

23. Population Policies

2301. Theme session: Population policies Gietel-Basten
2399. Poster Only - Population policies Gietel-Basten

24. The Demography of Indigenous Populations

2401. Theme session: The Demography of Indigenous Populations Rarere
2499. Poster Only - The Demography of Indigenous Populations Rarere