Barun Mukhopadhyay, Other
The current available indicator of Maternal Mortality ratio of India is 97 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the period of (2018-2020). India is a country with vast diversity among different states But it is a hard reality which compel India to segregate the states among themselves in terms of empowered action group (EAG), the southern and other categories on the basis of level of deaths apart from other indicators. In this context, an attempt is made in the present paper to know the important indicators to affect the level of MMR so that action may be taken to emphasize on these factors. Many indicators are initially proposed to have impacts, but after stepwise and commonality analysis a few have their independent and joint impacts. (126 words)
Keywords: Data and Methods, Health and Morbidity, Mortality and Longevity, Economic Demography