Elias olukorede wahab, Lagos State University
Maria wahab, Lagos State University
GABRIEL OYERINDE, lagos state university
Healthy Ageing is recognized as determined by old age disease patterns and health needs and as a cumulative inequalities between socio-economic positions (SEP) especially older women, those with disability, & those suffering discrimination & exclusion based on economic status. The outcome is to strengthen the capacities of key stakeholders to enable more effective health delivery system of this marginalized group and enhance healthy ageing through inclusion. Using mixed methodology from 800 older persons aged 60-85( mean=74, standard deviation=4.5). lifecourse model was used as predictors healthy ageing. Odd ratio analalysis showed that the link between health disease pattens, health needs and healthy ageing was mediated by education, occupation and especially, income level. Findings point to the importance of considering the mediators of lifelong impact on health diease patterns, health needs and healthy ageing and how different extended families produces different pathways to healthy ageing. This is to strengthen capacity of health care personnel on the health needs of the older persons. This invariably will strengthen capacity of networks of older people at all levels for influencing policy and practice. There will be advocacy and dissemination of the findings. This will raise awareness on elderly abuse; healthy ageing and their health needs.
Keywords: Health and Morbidity, Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination, Population Ageing, Mixed methods research