Decomposing and Measuring The Change in Life Expectancies of Ethiopia and Its Regional States Age - Wise:1990 - 2019

Hailay Gebreegziabiher, Please complete

This study aimed to break down the life expectancies of Ethiopia and its regional states age wise, and to evaluate the relative contributions of different age groups, regions, and effect types. Data were collected from the UN-World Population Prospects 2022 online source and the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 and a system of Brass' logit model life tables that allowed for the estimation of abridged life tables and the subsequent extraction of life expectancies was built. Consequently, Arriaga method was used to break down the life expectancies age-wise into direct and other effects over 1990-2019. Results revealed life expectancy in Ethiopia rose by 16.977 years from 49.3 years in 1990 to 66.2 in 2019. Of the types of effect, the other effect, and of the age groups, infants and under five children, were the primary positive contributors to this increase. Regionally, no significant contribution differences were observed but Addis Ababa exhibited a negative other effect contribution in the old ages. Direct effect contribution was negligible in the 0 - 4 age group warns that improvements in life expectancy were due to indirect and interaction effects and thus further intervention is required to achieve direct effect improvements.

Keywords: Decomposition analysis, Mathematical demography , Mortality and Longevity

See extended abstract.