Moses Choeu, Statistics South Africa
Healthcare seeking behavior among males is relatively poor including that of males who are fathers .In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), it was found that Healthcare access was at 42.56%, which is very low regardless of Sustainable Development Goal 3.8 targeted universal health coverage for everyone so they can obtain the health services they need . The consequences of healthcare-seeking behavior and utilization are highlighted by the disparities in the life expectancy of males and female, which can be apportioned to minimal access to health care,poor usage, and poor quality of health service. This population group is important as fathers play an pivotal role to regular males, including that of caring for families and children. The main aim of the study is to examine the demographic and socioeconomic determinants that influence decision to seek healthcare among fathers aged 25-54 years in Angola. The study will be quantitative, and it will use secondary cross-sectional data in the form of 2015-16 Angola Demographic Health Survey (ADHS) dataset. the results of the study will include the Uni-variate analysis showing frequencies and percentages, cross-tabulations(Chi-square test) and binary logistic regression. Preliminary result indicates that 16,5% of fathers aged 25-54 years sought healthcare in 2015-16.
Keywords: Health and Morbidity