Mapping the Nexus of Physical and Mental Illness: A Study on Physical Multimorbidity, It’s Covariates and Depression in Middle and Older Adults: Insights from Longitudinal Ageing Survey of India (LASI), 2017-2018

Gayatri Khanal, School of Public Health, SRMIST
Y Selvamani, School of Public Health, SRMIST

As physical multimorbidity (MM) and depression are a growing concern and future challenge for medical and social care systems around the world, it is time that a study be conducted to contribute to a greater understanding of the care needs of this group relevant evidences. A cross-sectional study utilizing data from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India wave 1 (2017-2018), comprising 66,606 participants. Regression analysis was performed to identify the association. The weighted prevalence of physical MM was 17.9%. Highest prevalence (40%) was observed in Kerala [95% CI 36.9,43.2]. A significant regional (state) variation in the magnitude of physical MM was observed. Similarly, the weighted prevalence of physical MM among depressive participants was 24.6% [95% CI 21.5,29.8], which was significantly higher than non-depressive participants 17.5% [95% CI 16.3,18.1]. Factors associated with increased odds of physical MM were depression, widowed/divorced/single, urban residence, increasing age, higher education, wealth index, self-rated health and physical exercise. The burden of physical MM is high in India especially in the developed states like Kerala. Depression, education, age, physical activity and urban residence is a potential risk factor for physical MM. Community led interventions is crucial for strengthening the management of physical MM associated with depression

Keywords: Population Ageing, Health and Morbidity, Mortality and Longevity, Data and Methods

See extended abstract.