Daile Kelleher, Family Planning Australia
2023 Churchill Fellow and CEO of Family Planning Alliance Australia, Daile Kelleher, spent August and September 2024 travelling internationally to learn and discuss abortion advocacy models across 7 countries. Interviews and information gathered has led to recommendations for the Australian context to determine what is needed to increase access to abortion in Australia, through advocacy and government policy. These findings and recommendations are useful in an Australian and global setting, considering themes such as legislative reform, restriction and rewinding of laws and rights, public health considerations and the rise of anti rights movements. Travelling to Canada, Mexico, USA, France, Netherlands, Brussels and New Zealand has given a broad view of abortion rights, access and justice in the hope that Australia and others can make movements toward further access to reproductive healthcare. While not a traditional academic research piece, this presentation focuses on the stories and experiences of advocates, policy makers, health practitioners and consumers to give a considered and well rounded approach to advancing person centred healthcare.
Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Family Planning and Contraception, Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination