Vladimir Pinto, Innovasocial Populations
Objective: To analyse the impact of social security on poverty and inequality in the Bolivian older adults from 2000 to 2021, considering ethnic status. Methods: Income inequality was assessed using the Gini index and Lorenz curves. Logistic regressions were used to analyse the risk of poverty associated with social security, using data from the 2000-2021 household surveys. Results: Income inequality has decreased over the last 20 years, although an ethnic gap persists. The Gini index shows a reduction in the gap from 0.031 in 2000 to 0.017 in 2021. For indigenous people, the risk of poverty in 2021 has been reduced by 72%. Renta Dignidad contributed to poverty reduction (21% less for non-indigenous and 3% less for indigenous). Formal education also significantly reduced the risk of poverty, especially for indigenous people (60%) compared to non-indigenous people (57%). Conclusions: Social security in Bolivia affects poverty differently depending on pension, health insurance, education, gender and place of residence. The Renta Dignidad remains essential. Education and social inclusion are essential to reduce inequalities and improve the lives of older adults.
Keywords: Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination, Population Ageing, The Demography of Indigenous Populations, Longitudinal studies