Olajumoke Alabi, Federal University Oye-Ekiti,Ekiti State
Muizzat Afolabi, Federal University Oye Ekiti
Mmaduabuchukwu Mkpado, Federal University Oye Ekiti
The study assessed the livelihood diversification practices adopted by rural households and the resilience strategies in mitigating vulnerabilities in Kwara State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 240 respondents. Primary data on socio economics, livelihood diversification, resilience strategies and constraints associated with livelihood diversification were obtained using an interview schedule. Data were analyzed using percentages and mean. Results reveals that mean age of the respondents was 50 years. Majority (57.5%) were male and married with a mean income and household size N150,100.00 and household’s size of 5 persons, respectively. The major Livelihood diversification strategies employed by rural households were multiple cropping (55.8%), animal husbandry (63.3%) and non-farm activities (78.3%). The major resilience strategies were environmental sustainability practices (x¯=2.33), skill development and training (x¯=2.28), access to credit or loans (x¯=2.20). The major constraints associated with livelihood diversification were lack of government support (x¯=3.20), limited access to resources (x¯=3.15), climate variability (x¯=3.00) and market uncertainties (x¯=2.70). There is need for enhanced governmental support and policies specifically tailored to sustain rural livelihood diversification.
Keywords: Families, Unions and Households, The Demography of Indigenous Populations, Children, Adolescents, and Youth, Population and Development