Prevalence, Knowledge, and Quality of Parent-Adolescent Sexual Communication in Osun State, Nigeria.

Funmilola Oyinlola, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Soladoye S. Asa, Obafemi Awolowo University
Joy Amusan, Osun state University

Parent-adolescent sexual communication (PASC) is associated with healthy sexual outcomes in adolescents; however, the topic is underexplored in Nigeria. The study examined the prevalence, knowledge, and quality of PASC in Ile Ife, Osun State. A school-based cross-sectional design was adopted using multi-stage sampling techniques. The study was conducted between February and April 2024 in 4 randomly selected secondary schools among students and their parents in a parent-teacher meeting. Using a structured questionnaire information was gathered from 445 parent-adolescent pairs. Analysis was done at univariate, bivariate, and Multivariate levels. The result revealed that only 30.1% of the parent-adolescent dyads practiced SRH communication (kappa=0.242, p<0.001). More than half (53%) of the parents and adolescents had good knowledge of SRH issues. About two-thirds of the parents reported high-quality SRH communication while 56% of the adolescents reported the same. There is a relationship between parent-adolescent knowledge, and quality of PASC at p<0.05. The findings indicate that adolescents and parents have low levels of communication on sexual and reproductive health issues. Those who communicate have moderate knowledge and high-quality PASC. The promotion of mutual communication between the dyads may motivate PASC, the study also recommends a community-based intervention on PASC.

Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Children, Adolescents, and Youth

See extended abstract.