Title: Feedback Collection for the Modified Postpartum Intrauterine Device (Ppiud) with Inserter in Postpartum Women Who Underwent Vaginal Delivery.

Suditi Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Sharad Singh, Pregna International Limited
Vineeta Ghanghoriya, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, India
Kavita N Singh, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, India

Background: The PPIUD has been modified, incorporating feedback from UNFPA featuring the additional thread, and has not yet been tested in a clinical setting. So, we're gathering feedback to assess acceptance and usability. Research Methods: It is an open label, non-randomized, multi-centric feedback collection from 100 providers by enrolling 2000 postpartum women. It includes both primi-parous or multiparous women delivering vaginally and willing for postpartum IUD insertion. Results: Interim findings from 200 insertions indicate that the modified device enables successful IUD placement in 99% of cases on the first attempt, with only 1% requiring repositioning. Providers rated the insertion process on a 5-point Likert scale, with 76.5% finding it neutral and 23% rating it easy or very easy. Thread management was efficient, with 98% of cases reporting no interference with IUD placement. There were no cases of perforation, trauma, or other significant complications. Although 66% of providers remained neutral in terms of satisfaction, 34% expressed positive feedback regarding the system's usability. Conclusion: The modified PPIUD inserter appears safe and user-friendly, potentially enhancing postpartum contraception uptake. Ongoing studies will assess its clinical benefits and broader applicability.

Keywords: Family Planning and Contraception, Data and Methods, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Qualitative data/methods/approaches

See extended abstract.