Trisha Mukhopadhyay, Doctoral Student
Sanghmitra S. Acharya, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Nemthianngai Guite, Associate Professor
Bikramaditya Kumar Choudhary, Assistant Professor
Population Ageing is a common phenomenon taking place across countries at different rates. The rate of increase of the elderly population is high in the developing and less developed countries thus the burden to cope with the changing population composition is more. Ageing is no more an issue for the high-income countries alone; the burden is growing fast in the middle- and low-income countries which calls for immediate attention to cope with the transition. The National Capital Region of Delhi in India caters to various sections of population. There is presence of different kind of healthcare facility, public, private and those developed by the Delhi Government. One such development of the Delhi Government is the Mohalla Clinics (Neighbourhood Clinics) which serves as primary healthcare facilities. The Mohalla Clinics though providing primary healthcare services can help in reducing the burden on the tertiary healthcare facilities. Objectives of the study is to understand the socio-economic profiling of the elderly population visiting the Mohalla Clinics and to understand the role of the Mohalla Clinics in the health and well-being of the elderly. The study is based on a mixed method approach. The study aims to add on to the research of aging in India.
Keywords: Population Ageing, Mixed methods research, Health and Morbidity, Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination