Analysis of Economic and Health Inequalities of Older People in Mexico in Times of Covid-19

Sebastián Jiménez, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)

The lack of economic security causes older people to be forced to work mostly informally even when the risk of contagion is high. The objective of this work is to analyze the economic and health inequality of people aged 65 and over (p65 +). A multiple correspondence analysis is performed considering a set of socioeconomic and health variables from data from the Mexican Health & Aging Study (MHAS-2021) and the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (ENIGH-2020), in addition to the Covid-19 database published by the Secretary of Health of Mexico. The results show a notorious inequality among the aging population. The fall in monetary income due to the pandemic has caused older people to diversify their sources of income, leading them to greater family dependence and incidence of informal work.

Keywords: Population Ageing, Economic Demography, Health and Morbidity, Population and Development

See extended abstract.