Periodic Assessment of Trajectories of Housing, Homelessness and Health (PATHS)

Randall Kuhn, University of California, Los Angeles
Jessie Chien, UCLA
Benjamin Henwood, University of Southern California
Danielle Paulazzo, UCLA
Taylor Mobley, UCLA
Norma Hernandez Guzman, UCLA

The past decade has seen a dramatic rise in the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Unsheltered populations are highly likely to experience adverse health and social exposures, yet research on this vulnerable population remains limited. The Periodic Assessment of Trajectories in Housing, Homelessness, and Health Study (PATHS) study aims to fill this gap by developing a representative, longitudinal cohort of unsheltered PEH in Los Angeles County using an innovative approach that leverages widespread use of cell phone technology. We report on our recruitment methodology and challenges of implementing this study using trauma-informed design principles. We assess the representativeness of our sample in comparison to an annual representative street-based survey. We also report summary findings from monthly surveys, highlighting areas of monthly consistency and variability that offer clues to the advantages of a monthly survey model. We conclude by reflecting on opportunities for future refinement and scale-up.

Keywords: Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination, Longitudinal studies , Health and Morbidity

See extended abstract.