Yun Li, Institue for Population and Development Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Quanbao Jiang, Institute for Population and development Studies, Xi'an Jiaotong University
This paper calculate the age-specific proportion of women never married and the differences between urban-rural areas, and educational levels; analyzes the situation of marriage postponement and recuperation; examines the impact of changes in the age-specific never marriage conditional probability on changes in the age-specific proportion never married; and predicts the proportion of lifelong never married women; the effects of changes in educational structure on changes in the age-specific proportion never married were analyzed; and the tempo effect on the period never marriage rate was measured. The results of the study show that: women in the late-born cohort, with higher education, and living in urban areas are more likely to delay marriage and the recuperation of marriage is weakened at higher ages; the contribution of the decrease in the first marriage conditional probability in the late-born cohort to the proportion of lifelong never married is increased at a lower age; the prediction results show that the proportion of lifelong never married is elevated in the 1987 cohort; and the contribution of changes in the educational structure of the late-born cohort to the overall change in proportion never married increases; the tempo effect gradually increases influence on the period never marriage rate.
Keywords: Decomposition analysis, Quantum and tempo effects