Dharmendra Singh, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Present paper examines the migration level and pattern among religious and social groups - Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes and Others Social groups in India. National Sample Survey data of 1983 to 2020-21 are analyzed in detail. The migration rate was observed higher among Other social group than Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes. The urban ward movement from rural as well as urban areas was much less among SC’s and ST’s. The proportion SC’s and ST’s movement in short distance migration was more pronounced than others groups. Census of India never published migration data based on religion. Migration rate was observed lowest among Muslim and higher among minority groups of Jain and Buddhist which might be due to their urban base. NSS data show changing pattern of migration within social groups and religious groups in terms of distance moved. Recent migration data of 2020-21 indicates impact of COVID-19 on the minds of male returnees as 21.7% reported to go back to place of last residence and 10.6% percent any other place and 67.6% do not want to move. Females reported higher percentage to move any other place. Recent observation shows the migration trend has pick up pace after COVID 19.
Keywords: Migrant Populations and Refugees, Internal Migration and Urbanization, Census data, Population and Development