Barriers Faced by Refugees with Disabilities in Accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Uganda

Margaret Napolo, Population and Development Consult Limited

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), persons with a disability make up more than a billion (15%) of the global population. In Uganda, 6.5% of the general population and 1.4% of the refugee population have some form of disability. It is noteworthy that refugees with disabilities are some of the most marginalized groups in the world. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities gives persons with disabilities the right to access the same range, quality and standard of health care services as provided to other persons, including those in the area of sexual and reproductive health. However, refugees with disabilities still face numerous barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda. The study, therefore, examined the barriers faced by refugees with disabilities in accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Uganda. The study findings were based on data from a household survey conducted among 74 refugees with disabilities living in Bidibidi refugee settlement. The study findings showed a low level of awareness of sexual and reproductive health services due to the absence of disability-friendly sexual reproductive health rights promotion messaging and the withholding of information by care careers.

Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination, Migrant Populations and Refugees

See extended abstract.