Sutthida Chuanwan, Institute for Population and Social Research
Sittichat Somta, Insittute for Population and Social Research
The objective is to investigate the factors associated with the psychological well-being of Thai older persons. This study was obtained from the 2022 Health and Welfare Survey conducted by the National Statistical Office. The binary logistic regression was used to predict the psychological well-being in terms of feeling anxious or depressed. The results found that factors affecting the psychological well-being among the older persons statistically significant were age, area of residence, education, Income of household per month, status of work, and living arrangements. It would be explained that the older persons who aged 80 years old and over, having NCDs, living in rural areas, living alone, living with three generations, and others were more likely to feel anxiety or depression. While elders who graduated in post-secondary education, had household income more than 15,000 baht per month and were still working were less likely to feel anxious or depressed. This regression model could be explained by about 6%. This study would recommend that the government should encourage the employment of older persons to remain in the gainful labor force as long as possible. Moreover, to deal with the Local Administrative Organization is needed to take care of and support their psychological well-being.
Keywords: Population Ageing, Population and Development, Families, Unions and Households