Impact of Deaths from Dissolved Households on Mortality Measurement: Evidence from the Ouagadougou HDSS

Soumaïla Ouedraogo, New York University Abu Dhabi
Yacouba Y. C. Compaore, Institut Supérieur Des Sciences De La Population
Stephane Helleringer, New York University Abu Dhabi

Providing reliable estimates of mortality in countries with imperfect vital statistics requires addressing the issue of omissions of deaths in general population surveys. Using data from the Ouagadougou health and demographic surveillance system, we rely on event history analysis to describe the impact of deaths on household survival. Furthermore, we assess the potential omissions of deaths caused by dissolved households and their overall impact on mortality estimates. This raises questions about the approach to household deaths over the past 12 months traditionally used in census mortality data collection.

Keywords: Families, Unions and Households, Data and Methods, Mortality and Longevity, Longitudinal studies

See extended abstract.