Shared Decisions, Shared Lives: Exploring the Link between Couple Alignment and Intimate Partner Violence in the Indian Context

Abishek Nippani, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
Srishti Rongpipi, Sambodhi Research and Communications Pvt Ltd

The study examines the relationship between couple alignment in family planning preferences and household decision-making, and its impact on intimate partner violence (IPV) in India. While research has explored IPV in relation to gender norms and women’s empowerment, the role of alignment in decision-making and fertility preferences remains underexplored. Using data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), we construct a composite index of couple alignment across these dimensions. Our hypothesis is that greater alignment is associated with lower rates of IPV. A generalized linear model will be used to assess the relationship between alignment and different forms of IPV—emotional, social, and physical—while controlling for marriage capital, household characteristics, and regional fixed effects. We will also apply Cronbach’s alpha to ensure the internal consistency of the index. The findings aim to inform IPV prevention efforts by highlighting the importance of shared decision-making within couples in the Indian context.

Keywords: Families, Unions and Households, Fertility, Gender Dynamics, Family Planning and Contraception

See extended abstract.