Facteurs Explicatifs De La Non Pratique De l'Allaitement Maternel Exclusif Par Les Femmes Dans Le Nord-bÉNin

Justin Dansou, Université de Parakou

Contexte: This study analyzes the factors explaining the non-exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) practice among women in northern Benin. Methodology: The study uses data from the MICS survey conducted in Benin in 2022. The sample of our study consists of 592 women aged 15-49, mothers of children under 6 months. Descriptive (univariate, bivariate) and explanatory (binary logistic regression) analyses were conducted. Results: Almost all women (99.49%) breastfeed their children, but only 43.8% practice EBF. The results show that the chances of practicing EBF decrease with increasing infant age. Thus, children aged 5 and 6 months are less likely to be exclusively breastfed. Also, women who received assistance during pregnancy and after childbirth from a qualified health worker are more likely to practice EBF than those who were assisted by a traditional birth attendant. Conclusion: Less than 50% of women practice EBF in northern Benin. It is more practiced among those who had medical follow-up during pregnancy and after childbirth. It is important to encourage awareness-raising policies to encourage prenatal consultations and post-natal follow-up of women and infants.

Keywords: Children, Adolescents, and Youth

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