Socioeconomic and Health Impact of Covid-19 during the First and Second Wave: A Statewise Analysis

Jeetendra Yadav, National Institute of Medical Statistics (ICMR)
Geetha Menon, ICMR-NIMS Delhi

Globally COVID-19 pandemic, has varied impact across different age groups and gender, with disproportionate toll on the elderly and higher infection rate among men. This study is important, especially in a diverse and populous country like India, where the impacts of COVID-19 or any other pandemic can vary significantly from region to region. We acquired data on the age and gender distribution of COVID-19 fatalities from the State offices of the Registrar General of India, state COVID-19 dashboards, and the MOHFW website. Infection data was utilized from the NATIONAL COVID-19 TESTING DATABASE of the ICMR. The mortality and infection data were used to capture the demographic patterns of the pandemics impact. We estimated discounted Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) for each state,age group and gender, using population projections for all Indian states and recovery time and severity percentages from the National COVID Clinical Registry(ICMR). The economic implications of COVID-19, particularly in terms of productivity losses due to illness or death among the working-age population, are substantial. The estimated loss underscores the magnitude of the economic impact, with Maharashtra again bearing the highest burden. These findings underscore the multifaceted challenges posed by the pandemic, encompassing both health and economic dimensions.

Keywords: Gender Dynamics, Health and Morbidity

See extended abstract.