Mukesh Sharma, Population Services International, India
Amit Kumar, Advisor
Parul Saxena, Senior Advisor
Urban health, urban poor, urban health system strengthening and urbanization are new shift in developing health strategies. It’s a fact that the urbanization is very rapid and it is estimated that the urban population in India will reach to 590 million by 2030. Strengthening urban health service delivery model can change the indicators among urban poor. The Challenge Initiative (TCI) program focused to activate urban health service delivery model with a focus on FP high impact approaches. It was envisaged to make urban health facilities visible, accessible and affordable to urban poor. Government was put on driving seat with coaching and mentoring support. Program also ensure the health services and products near to communities with quality. Government supported ASHAs were coached on demand aggregation approach by a team of trained and skilled coaches.for publicizing available health facilities and services. Their urban health index registers were updated. Fixed Day Static services for FP started by government. 513 UPHCs started weekly fixed day static services for FP. Foot fall increased by 40%, 170% increase in annual FP client volume, 3.7 percentage points increase in mCPR recorded. Immunization increased by 13%, early registration of pregnancy by 23% and IFA tablet distribution by 25%.
Keywords: Data visualisation , Family Planning and Contraception, Internal Migration and Urbanization, Health and Morbidity