Ashwani Kumar, Avenir Health (Track20 India Project)
Jay Prakash, Track20 Avenir Health
As per the recent National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 survey in 2021, India achieved below-replacement-level fertility. According to the recent estimate of Track20, there have been 150 million users of modern methods out of which approximately 100 million women and girls use sterilization methods of contraception. In the present study, we examined the contribution and regional variation of early-age sterilization in overall fertility transition across selected states of India. We also discussed the contribution of young-age (15-24 years) fertility to the total fertility rate. The recent NFHS-5 data has been used for the present analysis. The association between sterilization and fertility decline among the different states of India has been investigated. Also, the proportion of adolescent fertility in the overall TFR was examined using bivariate cross-tabulation. The prevalence of sterilization is much higher among the southern states and most women are sterilized at a younger age. TFR declined much faster in the states where the prevalence of sterilization was significantly higher specifically among young women (20-24). Therefore, sterilization can be considered the driving force behind reaching the replacement level of fertility, and adolescent fertility is higher among the states where sterilization is widespread. .
Keywords: Children, Adolescents, and Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Fertility, Family Planning and Contraception