Marriage Trends among Grooms and Brides Aged 60 and over

Gustavo H. Givisiez, Univerdidade Federal Fluminense
Elzira Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

This study aims to analyze marriage trends among individuals aged 60 and over. Using Brazilian civil registry data, compared with data from selected countries over the past two decades, the study seeks to understand how social and cultural changes, age, and the stage of demographic transition in each country are associated with late-life unions. The countries were selected based on data availability and include Brazil, Argentina, the USA, the UK, South Africa, and Japan. The expected results will contribute to a better understanding of demographic transitions and marriage dynamics in aging societies, offering insights into the social and economic implications of these unions.

Keywords: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics, Families, Unions and Households, Population Ageing, Older Adults and Intergenerational Relations

See extended abstract.