Session 1008
Gender, Adolescents and Youth: Experiences and Attitudes on SRH, Education, and Marriage

1. Understanding Period Product Use among Young Women in Rural and Urban India from a Geospatial PerspectiveAsraful Alam, Serampore Girls' College, University of Calcutta.

2. Early Education, Preferences, and Decision-Making Abilities: Gender Differences in Social PreferencesJoana Cardim, Education Policy Insitute; Pedro Carneiro, University College London, Department of Economics,; Leandro Carvalho, University of Southern California, Center for Economic and Social Research; Damien De Walque, 1818 H Street NW.

3. CONTINUATION OF EDUCATION AFTER MARRIAGE AMONG WOMEN IN INDIAKaushalendra Kumar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Sneha Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

4. Impact of Gender Role Attitudes on Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes of Adolescents in India: Evidence from UDAYA Longitudinal SurveySangram Patel, Population Council Institute; K.G. Santhya, Independent Researcher; Nicole A. Haberland, Population Council.

5. Breaking with Traditions: Who Are the Innovators that Support Ending Female Genital Mutilation in Burkina FasoIlene Speizer, Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Elizabeth Gummerson, PMA, Johns Hopkins University; Fiacre Bazie, ISSP-UJKZ; Meagan Byrne, PMA, Johns Hopkins University; Yentema Onadja, Institut supérieur des sciences de la population; Philip Anglewicz, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Georges Guiella, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de La Population de L’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo.

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