Session 1009
Women's Labor Force Participation: Challenges and Progress

Chair: Irene Casique RodrĂ­guez, CRIM-UNAM

1. Occupational Trajectories of Women in STEM in BrazilMariana Almeida, CEDEPLAR / UFMG; Simone Wajnman, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR).

2. Employment Guarantee in Urban India: How Has Rajasthan’s Experiment Fared?Krishna Priya Choragudi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

3. DISPARITIES IN ACCESS TO PAID LEAVE AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR GENDER INEQUALITY: THE CASE OF SOUTH AFRICAMuna Ahamd Shifa, Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU); Jody Heymann, McGill University.

4. Determinants of Gender Wage Discrimination in India: A Counterfactual Decomposition AnalysisNIKITA SONI, IIT Roorkee; FALGUNI PATTANAIK, Associate Professor.

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