Session 1011
Gender Inequality, Child and Youth Wellbeing

Chair: Yan Zhang, University of Oxford

1. When Do We (Expect to) Become Adults?Martina Bodo, Sapienza Università di Roma; Angela Paparusso, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS-CNR).

2. A Longitudinal Analysis of Agency and Structural Determinants of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes in EthiopiaSilinganisiwe Dzumbunu, University of Cape Town.

3. Suicide Attempts among High School Students in Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Associated Factors from a Gender PerspectiveMaría Marta Santillan Pizarro, CIECS CONICET y UCC; Laura Acosta, CIECS (CONICET y UNC); Eduardo Pereyra, CIECS (CONICET - UNC) / UCC; Leandro Mariano González, CIECS (CONICET/UNC).

4. The Role of Caregivers’ Gender Views in the Allocation of Housework and Care Work to Rural Chinese ChildrenYan Zhang, University of Oxford.

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