1. When Do We (Expect to) Become Adults? • Martina Bodo, Sapienza Università di Roma; Angela Paparusso, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS-CNR).
2. A Longitudinal Analysis of Agency and Structural Determinants of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes in Ethiopia • Silinganisiwe Dzumbunu, University of Cape Town.
3. Suicide Attempts among High School Students in Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Associated Factors from a Gender Perspective • María Marta Santillan Pizarro, CIECS CONICET y UCC; Laura Acosta, CIECS (CONICET y UNC); Eduardo Pereyra, CIECS (CONICET - UNC) / UCC; Leandro Mariano González, CIECS (CONICET/UNC).
4. The Role of Caregivers’ Gender Views in the Allocation of Housework and Care Work to Rural Chinese Children • Yan Zhang, University of Oxford.
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