Session 103
Flash Session: COVID-19 and Fertility

Chair: Natalie Nitsche, Australian National University

1. Unexpected and Unprecedented: Fertility Trends by Birth Order through the PandemicMarion Burkimsher, University of Lausanne.

2. Fertility Trends by Education before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of European CountriesMarek Endrich, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; Philipp Ueffing, European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Marije Zubeldia Razquin, European Commission, Joint Research Centre.

3. Addressing Hong Kong SAR’s Lowest-low Fertility: The rising role of migrants and the impact of COVID-19Nancy Ling Sze Leung, Nippon Sport Science University.

4. Reproductive Patterns of Mexican Women in Times of Covid-19Marta Mier-y-Teran, National Autonomous University of Mexico; Nathaly Llanes-Díaz, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales, El Colegio de Mexico.

5. Do averages fool us? Birth trends in Argentina's national subdivisions during the Covid-19 PandemicBruno Ribotta, Centro de Estudios Avanzados - UNC; Lucas Gabriel Vanoli Faustinelli, National University of Córdoba, Argentina; Enrique Peláez, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Lucía Andreozzi, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.; Manuela Burgos, Maestría en demografía Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

6. The Decomposition of Birth Fluctuation in China Since The COVID-19 PandemicCuiling Zhang, China Population and development Research Center; Ting Feng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Zhenzhen Zheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

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