Session 1502
Culture, Population and Society

Chair: Michael Cameron, University of Waikato

1. Is there really a wage premium among Portuguese descendants in the United States?Alda B. Azevedo, Universidade de Lisboa; Lara Tavares, Universidade de Lisboa; Nachatter Garha, Universidad de La Coruña; Martha Estrada Rivera, PhD student.

2. Determinants and Regional Variations of Age at First Marriage in India: Results from Multilevel and Spatial AnalysisPallabi Das, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK); Zakir Husain, Presidency University.

3. Christian Missions and Physical Punishment of Children in AfricaElisabetta De Cao, University of Bologna; Alberto Ciancio, University of Glasgow; Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida; Luca Pesando, New York University (NYU) - Abu Dhabi.

4. The Bilateral Influence of Global Trade and Aid Partners on Fertility LevelsJoan M Ryan, University of Pennsylvania.

5. The Hidden Terrains of Disparity: How Residential and Workplace Socioeconomic Status Shape Perceptions of InequalityHU Yuxuan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Zhuoni Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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