Session 1603
Educational Outcomes, Ageing, and Quality of Education

1. The Impact of Grade Repetition on the Quality of Education in Brazil: the Case of Lower Secondary Education Comparing PISA and the Brazilian Proficiency Scores (“Prova Brasil”)Victor Delgado, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE OURO PRETO (UFOP); Eduardo Rios-Neto, UFMG.

2. Skill Obsolescence and Lifelong Learning in the Ageing Workforce: The Effect on Job SatisfactionValentina Ferri, National Institute of Public Policies; Corrado Polli, National; Rita Porcelli, National Institute of Public Policies; Eleonora Trappolini, Sapienza University of Rome.

3. Obstacle or Reservoir:The Influence of Overwork on Marriage and Childbearing Behavior and Its Mechanismjiawei Gong, Xian Jiaotong University; Yan Li, Xi'an Polytechnic University; Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

4. Determinants of School Life Expectancy among Indian Children: Insights from the National Sample SurveyDr. Anita Pal, The INCLEN Trust International; Madhusudan J.V., Central University of Hyderabad.

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