Session 1903
Demography of Disasters in the Age of Global Environmental Change

Chair: Alisson F. Barbieri, Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

1. Does Paternal Exposure to an Industrial Disaster Affect Early Life Health Investments of Children?Sarthak Agarwal, Indian Institute of Management-Lucknow; Somdeep Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta; Shreyasee Das, Temple University.

2. Residential-Mobility Responses to Home Damage Caused by Floods, Cyclones and Bushfires in AustraliaAude Bernard, University of Queensland; Francisco Perales, University of Queensland; Elin Charles-Edwards, University of Queensland; Sasha Bacquet-Carlier, University of Queensland.

3. Analyze the Three Dimensions of Vulnerability to Climate Change to Better Understand Environmental Injustice: An Interdisciplinary Case-Study in Abidjan, Cote d'IvoireStéphanie Dos Santos, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD); Abdul Wahab Karamoko, Institut de Géographie Tropicale (IGT), Université Felix Houphouet Boigny; Attoumane Artadji, Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement (LPED), IRD, AMU; Eric-Pascal Zahiri, Laboratoire des Sciences de la Matières, de l'Environnement et de l'Energie Solaire (LASMES).

4. A Global Analysis of Maternal Mortality and Natural Disasters: What Do We Have to Look Forward to?Blake Erhardt-Ohren, University of California, Berkeley; Cara Schulte, University of California, Berkeley; Ndola Prata, Bixby Center for Population Health and Sustainability, UC Berkeley.

5. Urban Expansion Influence on Regional Climate and Its Impact on Population Health: A Comprehensive Study in Kolkata Metropolitan Region, IndiaDinabandhu Mahata, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE; Sulochana Shekhar, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur-610005, India.

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