Session 1909
Population, Development and Climate

Chair: Sabine J. F. Henry, University of Namur

1. Population Age-Structure and Forest Growth in Low-and-Middle-Income CountriesCourtney Allen, University Of Washington; Susana Beatriz Adamo, CIESIN-Columbia University; Kaichao Chang, University of Maryland; Sara Curran, University of Washington, Seattle; John Fay, Duke University; Jeff Vincent, Duke University; Yi Wang, ETH Zurich.

2. The Changing Demography of Indigenous Populations and the Environment in AmazoniaRichard E. Bilsborrow, University of North Carolina; Rosa Victoria Salinas, Consultant.

3. iCRE: Identifying Disadvantaged Communities in Low- and Middle- Income Countries. How to Co-produce Quality Resilience Indexes at Subnational LevelCristina Bradatan, US Census Bureau; Saswathi Natta, US Census Bureau, International Programs Center; Nicole Golden, US Census Bureau, International Programs Center.

4. The Paradox of High Human Development with Persistency High Poverty and Inequality in MongoliaMunkhzul Chimid-Ochir, PhD Candidate.

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