Session 209
Measuring Pregnancy Loss and Abortion, Health Complications and Access to Services

Chair: Mahesh Puri, Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), Nepal

1. Effectiveness and safety of medication abortion via telemedicine versus in-person: a cohort of pregnant people in ColombiaKaren Cárdenas Garzón, Asociación Profamilia ; Leonardo Cely-Andrade, Asociación Profamilia; Luis Carlos Enríquez-Santander, Asociación Profamilia; Biani Saavedra-Avendano, Ipas Latin America and the Caribbean; Guillermo A. Ortiz-Avendano, Ipas Latin America and the Caribbean; Lucy A. Betancourt-Rojas, Asociación Profamilia; Jorge G. Guerrero-Conde, Asociación Profamilia.

2. Self-Reported Complications among Women Seeking Induced Abortion in India: An Evidence from National Family Health Survey (2019-21)Labhita Das, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Chander Shekhar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); Harihar Sahoo, International Institute For Population Sciences; Sanjay Pal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

3. Disparities in access to abortion care among women in NairobiMargaret Giorgio, Guttmacher Institute; Onikepe Owolabi, Vital Strategies; Moussa Zan, ISSP; Kenneth Juma, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Isaiah Akuku, African Population and Health Research Center; Ramatou Ouedraogo, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Caron Kim, World Health Organization; Clementine Rossier, University of Geneva.

4. Abortion Underreporting among Young Australian Women: Findings from a Linked AnalysisMridula Shankar, The University of Melbourne; Nick Egan, University of Newcastle; Angela Taft, La Trobe University; Wendy Norman, University of British Columbia; Melissa Harris, University of Newcastle; Kirsten Black, University of Sydney; Deborah Bateson, University of Sydney; Leesa Hooker, La Trobe University; Kristina Edvardsson , La Trobe University.

5. Miscarriage Reporting in Administrative Registers, Surveys and at Ante-Natal Visits in Finland: Implications for Statistical Analyses of Pregnancy LossHeini Väisänen, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Hanna Remes, University of Helsinki; Pekka Martikainen, University of Helsinki; Lara Lehtoranta, The Finnish Insitute for Health and Welfare (THL); Marie-Caroline Compans, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital.

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