1. Estimating and Projecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Human Capital in Australia • Nicholas Biddle, Australian National University.
2. Decomposing Stunting Gap between Indigenous and Remaining Indian Population: A Fairlie Decomposition Approach • Astapati Hemram, PhD Research Scholar.
3. What Do Data on Child-Woman Ratios Imply About The Early Demographic Effects of Colonisation on Maori? • Tahu Kukutai, The University of Waikato; John Bryant, Bayesian Demography Limited.
4. Sociodemographic Correlates of Fertility Preferences of Cordilleran and Non-Cordilleran Youth in the Cordillera Administrative Region • Jsydney Pascual, University of the Philippines Population Institute (uppi).
5. Medical Attention and Hospitalization Before Death Among Indigenous Population in India: Evidences from Latest Two Rounds of The National Sample Survey • Shatrughan Prasad, Assistant Professor.
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