Session 309
Demand and Services of Contraception among Population Subgroups

Chair: Thomas LeGrand, Université de Montréal (emeritus professor, retired)

1. Accelerating Contraceptive Uptake and Continuation through a Post-Abortion-Care Model in India: A Randomized Control ExperimentRajib Acharya, Population Council; Rimjhim Bajpai, PopulationCouncil Consulting Pvt. Ltd.; Garima Mathias, Ipas Development Foundation; Neelanjana Pandey, PopulationCouncil Consulting; Abhishek Kumar, PopulationCouncil Consulting Pvt. Ltd.; Sushanta Banerjee, Ipas Development Foundation; Niranjan Saggurti, Population Council.

2. Information in Schools, Contraception, and Young-Age Fertility in Costa Rica: Evidence from the National Youth Surveys of 2011 and 2018Pamela Argueta-Dimas, Universidad de Costa Rica; Paula Cortés-Cascante, Universidad de Costa Rica; Gilbert Brenes-Camacho, CCP, Universidad de Costa Rica.

3. Improving Modern Contraceptive Uptake among Married Adolescent Girls in Pastoralist Regions of Ethiopia: Family Circle Case StudySeyoum Atlie, PSI/Ethiopia; Rahel Demissew, Population Services International Ethiopia; Mary Phillips, Population Services International; Meghan Cutherell, Population Services International (PSI).

4. Scaling Contraceptive Service Delivery for Adolescents in Ethiopia: The Case of Smart StartWassie Lingerh, Population Services International Ethiopia; Meghan Cutherell, Population Services International (PSI); Beatrice Symoti, Population Services International; Mary Phillips, Population Services International.

5. Method-specific Attributes Associated with the Choice of Future Contraception among Women Aged 15-45 Years in Refugee Settlements in UgandaGeorge O. Odwe, Population Council-Kenya; Francis Obare, Population Council; Yohannes Dibaba Wado, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Peter Kisaakye, Makerere University; Bonnie Wandera, African Population and Health Research Center; Stella Muthuri, Population Council; Gloria Seruwagi, Population Council; Chi-Chi Undie, Population Council.

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