Session 402
Digital Technologies, Online Dating, and Family Dynamics

Chair: Luca Maria Pesando, New York University Abu Dhabi

1. 3G Internet, Intimate Partner Violence, and Women's Empowerment: Evidence from NigeriaRidhi Kashyap, University of Oxford; Prashant Poddar, University of Oxford; Till Koebe, Saarland University; Valentina Rotondi, SUPSI & University of Oxford.

2. Dating Methods and Goals of Russian StudentsGerman Klimenko, Moscow State University.

3. How We Met: The Demography of Online and Offline PartnershipsBernice Kuang, University of Southampton; Brienna Perelli-Harris, University of Southampton; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton.

4. Working from Home and Working Time (Mis)Match: Differences by Gender and Parental StatusInga Lass, The University of Melbourne; Heiko RĂ¼ger, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Nico Stawarz.

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