Session 506
Schooling and Child Labor in Low- and Middle-income Countries

Chair: Robin Cavagnoud, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

1. Adolescents' Involvement in Care Work, School Attendance, and Academic Achievement: Evidence from the Young Lives Survey in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam (2009-2016)Maïmouna Bah, Population Council; Erica Soler-Hampejsek; George Odwe, Population Council ; Karen Austrian, Population Council - Kenya.

2. Can child labor reform affects adulthood? Evidence from Indonesia’s 2003 Manpower ActElghafiky Bimardhika, World Bank; Firman Witoelar, Australian National University.

3. Family Structure and the Gender Gap in EducationLaurie DeRose, The Catholic University of America; Justin Lamoureax, The Catholic University of America.

4. Child Labor and School Enrollment Statistics using MICS: Work and Hazardous Work Estimates for 47 Low- and Middle-Income CountriesDeborah Levison, University of Minnesota; Deborah S. DeGraff, Bowdoin College; Anna Bolgrien, University of Minnesota.

5. Learning Deficits and Early School Leaving: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in IndiaK.G. Santhya, Independent Researcher; Nicole A. Haberland, Population Council.

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