Session 601
Living Arrangements and Caregiving in an Ageing World

Chair: Luule Sakkeus, Estonian Insitute for Population Studies, Tallinn University

1. Social Stratification in the Time-Use of Informal Caregivers for Older IndividualsMarco Albertini, Università di Bologna, Italy; Francesca Zanasi, University of Bologna.

3. Grandparental Childcare and Subjective Well-Being: The Role of Activities and Reasons for CareGiorgio Di Gessa, University College London; Karen F. Glaser, King's College London.

4. Intergenerational Coresidence and Life Satisfaction across Asia and EuropeChia Liu, University of St Andrews; Ryohei Mogi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

5. Living Arrangements of the Elderly: Trends, Drivers, and Implications for Global Aging SocietiesDavid Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Albert Esteve, Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona); Federica Becca, Centre for demographic research (CED), Barcelona; Maria Pohl, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

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