Session 602
Social Relations, Health and Wellbeing among Older Adults

Chair: Jeroen Spijker, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED)

1. Trajectories of Loneliness in Later Life – Evidence from a 10-Year English Panel StudyGiorgio Di Gessa, University College London; Valeria Bordone, University of Vienna; Bruno Arpino, Università Di Padova.

2. Kinship Networks, Kinlessness and Friendship across the Life Course. An Extensive Analysis of the Italian Case over a 20-Year PeriodElena Pirani, University of Florence; Bruno Arpino, Università Di Padova; Eleonora Meli, Istat; Marta Pittavino, University of Venezia.

3. ‘Kinlessness’, social connectedness, and subjective wellbeing in EuropeMarco Tosi, University of Padua; Thijs van den Broek, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.

4. The Effect of Loneliness on Social Networks over Time: A Study from SingaporeAbhijit Visaria, Centre for Ageing Research and Education, Duke-NUS Medical School; Angelique Chan, National University of Singapore.

5. The Strength of Long Ties for Aging Healthy with HIV: The Case of Rural South AfricaShao-Tzu Yu, Princeton University; Brian Houle, Australian National University; Francesc Xavier Gomez-Olive, University of the Witwatersrand; Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, University of the Witwatersrand; Nicole Angotti, American University.

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