Session 702
Child Mortality in LMICs

Chair: Michael Kunnuji, University of Lagos

1. Death of Preceding Child and Utilisation of Healthcare Services in West AfricaJoshua O. Akinyemi, University of Ibadan; Babatunde M. Gbadebo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; Olanrewaju Eniade, University of Ibadan; Adebola Orimadegun, University of Ibadan.

2. Exposure to Conflict and Childhood Mortality: An Analyses of Pooled Cross-Sectional Data for 943,139 Children across 52 Countries and 105 SurveysShalem Balla, Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi.

3. Examining the Changing Relationship between Stillbirth and Early Neonatal MortalityPayal Hathi, University of California, Berkeley.

4. The Effects of Childhood Immunization Program on Health and Education: Micro-Evidence from IndiaSantosh Kumar, University of Notre Dame.

5. Direct-Assisted Bayesian Unit-level Modeling for Small Area Estimation of Rare Event PrevalenceAlana McGovern, University of Washington Department of Statistics; Katherine Wilson, University of Washington; Jon Wakefield, University of Washington, Seattle.

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