Understanding the Variations in Nutritional Status of Tribals in India: An Assessment of Intra and Inter-Tribal Population

Sayeed Unisa, International Institute for Population Sciences, India

India is home to diverse cultural and ethnic groups, including tribal communities. In India, tribal populations constitute a significant portion of the state’s demographic landscape. The rationale behind studying the nutrition of tribal children and women is multifaceted and crucial for addressing health disparities. Studies on tribal populations are available as scheduled tribes or one or two specific tribal groups (Banik, 2010). Data on nutrition and health is not available for tribes-specific and area-specific communities. However, the comprehensive scenario of tribal population nutrition status is negligible. The study aims to give inter-tribal variation in nutrition status in India and generate evidence on a spectrum of nutrition-related changes and health status among specific tribal women. This will help us understand the role of genetic factors, food consumption, and health services in the population's nutrition status. This study used secondary data from the National Family and Health Survey (NFHS), which provides information on nutrition along with the tribe's name. It was found that the tribes in Odisha, Ho and Santhal had the lowest height, whereas Nicobarese had the highest height among the 65 tribes. It can be concluded that nutritional programmes need to identify the tribes' specific nutrition programmes in each state.

Keywords: Health and Morbidity, The Demography of Indigenous Populations, Inequality, Disadvantage and Discrimination, Population Policies

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