Session 109
Ideational Change, Politics, Social Media and Fertility

Chair: Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, The University of Tehran & Vienna Institute of Demography

1. THE INFLUENCE OF DEVELOPMENTAL IDEALISM ON FERTILITYKeera Allendorf, Indiana University, Bloomington; Arland Thornton, University of Michigan; Linda Young-DeMarco, University of Michigan; Colter Mitchell, University of Michigan.

2. Political Party Preference and Childbearing in Western EuropeErik Carlsson, University of Turku.

3. Partisan Fertility in the Aftermath of the Great RecessionChiara Ludovica Comolli, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Bologna; Gunnar Andersson, Stockholm University.

4. The Effects of Social Media Use on Marriage and Fertility Intentions in KoreaSoungbin Im, Seoul National University; Youngtae Cho, Seoul National University; Woorim Ko, Seoul National University; Youngmi Shin, Seoul National University.

5. An Analysis of Social Media Discourse on Fertility IntentionsEmily Woodthorpe, ANU; Edith E. Gray, Australian National University.

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