Session 108
Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness

1. Contraceptive Decision-Making among Childfree Couples: Cultural and Structural Influences in India and CanadaChandni Bhambhani, St Joseph's University, Bengaluru.

2. Disruptive Life-Course Events and Reproductive Choices: A Multiprocess Hazard Analysis of Italian DataAnnalisa Donno, University of Padova; Chiara Baldan, RESEARCH FELLOW; Maria-Letizia Tanturri, University of Padua.

3. Patterns of Childlessness: A Comparative Study Across Countries, Genders, Time, and Data SourcesChaimae Drioui, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) - Centre for demographic research; Bruno D. Schoumaker, UCLouvain.

4. Associations between Factors in Childhood and Young Adulthood and Childlessness among Women in Their 40s: A National Prospective Cohort StudyChuyao Jin, The University of Queensland; Leigh Tooth, The University of Queensland; Xiaolin Xu, The University of Queensland; Gita Mishra, The University of Queensland.

5. Faith and Infertility: The Role of Religious Leaders in the Management of Reproductive Health Challenges in GhanaNaa Adjeley Mensah, University of Oxford.

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