Session 1703
Economic and Social Impact of Education in Africa and Latin America

Chair: Monica Lambon-Quayefio

1. Schooling, Jobs, Political Attitudes, and Actions: Evidence from Free Primary Education Policies in AfricaTaryn Dinkelman, University of Notre Dame; Virna Vidal Menezes, University of Notre Dame.

2. What Are the Conditions to a Silver Dividend in Latin America and Africa?Anderson Fernandes, CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Bernardo L. Queiroz, centro de desenvolvimento e planejamento regional.

3. Female Labor Force Participation, Inequality, and Economic Growth in an Aging Society: Evidence from MexicoIvan Mejia, Researcher-Consultant; Estela Rivero, Independent Researcher; Isalia Nava, UNAM.

4. School Quality, Literacy, and the Differences in Fertility across RegionsClaus C. Portner, Seattle University.

5. Trends in Education and Labour Market Dynamics in Ghana: A Gendered Cohort AnalysisEmma Whitelaw, SALDRU/University of Cape Town; Nicola Branson, University of Cape Town.

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