Session 2101
Health and Mortality in Historical Populations

Chair: Diego Ramiro Fariñas, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

1. Neighborhoods and Child Mortality in an Industrializing Port Town: A Micro-Spatial Analysis of Landskrona, Sweden, 1890-1939Martin Dribe, Lund University; Finn Hedefalk, Lund University.

2. Within Families and Between Countries: Investigating the Lifespan of US Immigrants Compared to Origin, Destination and Non-Migrant Siblings in Cohorts from 1850 to 1890Saverio Minardi, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna; Paul Puschmann, Radboud University Nijmegen; Nicola Barban, University of Bologna.

3. Investigating Short- and Medium-Term Fluctuations in Birth Series and Sex Ratio at Birth in Trentino (1815-1923): a Historical Demographic Analysis Using Baptismal Records and Climatic DataRosella Rettaroli, Università di Bologna; Francesco Scalone, Università di Bologna; Nadia Barbieri, University of Bologna; Francesca Tosi, University of Bologna.

4. Inequality between Families in Health and Survival in Sweden, 1900-2023Ingrid K van Dijk, Lund University.

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