Session 217
Medical Abortion: Safety and Methods

Chair: Sushanta Banerjee, Ipas Development Foundation

1. The Changing Face of Reproductive Autonomy: Exploring Self-Managed Abortion Landscape in India through NFHS-5Sushanta Banerjee, Ipas Development Foundation; Sumit Gulati, Ipas Development Foundation; Erin Pearson, Research Scientist.

2. Safety of Supervised and Unsupervised Consumption of Oral Drugs for Inducing Abortion and Associated Adverse Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Diksha Gautam, International Institute of Health Management and Research (IIHMR); Anuj Kumar Pandey, International Institute Of Health Management Research - IIHMR; sutapa bandyopadhyay, International Institute of Health Management Research, New Delhi; Benson Thomas M, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.

3. Medication Abortion Stock and Willingness to Sell in Pharmacies and Drug Stores in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaStephanie Kung, Guttmacher Institute; Alice Cartwright, Guttmacher Institute; Delayehu Bekele, St. Paul Institute for Reproductive Health and Rights (SPIRHR); Niguse Tadele, Addis Ababa University; Mahari Yidego, Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA); Kidist Lemma, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College; Tesfaye Hurisa, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College.

4. Identification of the Safe Abortion Offer in Colombia at the Municipal LevelRocío Murad Rivera, Asociación Profamilia ; Katherine Cadena, Asociación Profamilia; Víctor Morales, Asociación Profamilia.

5. Expanding access to medical abortion services among adolescent and young women using task sharing approach: Case study of Private Public Partnership in KenyaSusan Ontiri, International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya; Felix Otieno, Internatinal Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya; Abel Mokua, International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya; Davis Oenga, International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya.

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