Session 2215
Flash Session - New Fertility Perspectives across the World

Chair: Vladimira Kantorova, United Nations

1. Probabilistic Projection of UK KinshipJoe Butterick, University of Southampton; Jason Hilton, University of Southampton; Jakub Bijak, University of Southampton; Peter W. F. Smith, University of Southampton; Joanne Ellison, University of Southampton; Erengul Dodd, University of Southampton.

2. Composition and Structure of Women's Family and Personal Networks in Ouagadougou: What Effects on Current Fertility?Théodore Kabore, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP); Moussa Bougma, Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP).

3. Two-Child Policy in India: Challenges for Incentive Tools in the Face of Conflicting MotivesVarnitha Kurli, University of Colorado Boulder; Jane Menken, University of Colorado Boulder.

4. Educational Disparities in Marital Fertility in South Korea, 2001~2020: a Duration-Based ApproachBongoh Kye, Kookmin University; Sam Hyun Yoo, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; Seulki Choi, KDI School of Public Policy and Management.

5. North Korea's Declining Fertility Rate Seen through a Survey of North Korean RefugeesJooyung LEE, Bank Of Korea; Sunjoong KIM, Bank of Korea.

6. Estimation of Market Indicators for Contraceptive Services and Products in India: Potentials of Market Development for Private Sectors with Total Market ApproachArupendra Mozumdar, FHM Engage; Subrato K. Mondal, Population Foundation of India, India; Shankar Narayanan, FHM-Engage; Amit Bhanot, FHM-Engage.

7. Socioeconomic determinants of access to safe abortion and experiences along the care trajectory: A survey of women with a five-year abortion history in Abuja and Lagos, NigeriaMatthea Roemer, Marie Stopes International (MSI); Boniface A. Ushie, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC); Akinsewa Akiode, APHRC; Ochanya Idoko, MSI Reproductive Choices - Nigeria; Ogechi Onuoha, MSI Reproductive Choices - Nigeria; Anne Taiwo, MSI Reproductive Choices - Nigeria; Matthew Wilson, /.

8. Expansion of Higher Education and Fertility: Specificities of the First and Second Family Generations That Completed University Studies in BrazilJoice Vieira, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

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