Session 2302
Ageing Policy

Chair: T.V. Sekher, IIPS

1. ELDERLY PERSONS in AFRICAN SOCIAL POLICIES : CURRENT SITUATION, ISSUES and CHALLENGESEsther EYINGA DIMI, Bureau Central des recensements et des Etudes de Population (BUCREP); Danielle Raffaella Bikoah Meyo, Euro Med.

2. Bridging Population Health Gaps through Pharmacogenomics: A Case Study of Cardiovascular DiseaseIshita Goyal, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

3. Policies for Older People and Human Rights: Public Agenda in Latin America and Caribbean CountriesMariana Paredes Della Croce, Universidad De La República.

4. ILLNESS TO POVERTY IN INDIA: A QUALITATIVE EXPLORATION OF HARDSHIP FINANCING FOR HEALTHCARE.Arya Thomas, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Santosh Kumar Sahu, Indian Institute of Technology Madras; Umakant Dash, Institute of Rural Management Anand.

5. The Role of Lower-Level Public Health Facilities to Reducing Socioeconomic Disparity in Institutional Deliveries in India: Evidence from the Nationally Representative Datasets, 2005-2021Guru Vasishtha, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai, India; Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS).

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